Governance Structure of the Congregation
To pursue this vision and mission, we encourage the maximum participation by all our Members and Adherents (those who participate in the life of Chalmers, but for one reason or another choose not to become full members) and the most effective stewardship of all our resources.
The congregation is our fundamental unit of organization, meeting at least twice a year – in December, and in May/June.
Between the meetings of the whole congregation, the Coordinating Council of Elders (CCE) is empowered to carry forward the work of the congregation in fulfilling its mission.
Currently, one (rotating) member of The Executive Council chairs The Coordinating Council of Elders (CCE) which meets monthly. It co-ordinates and gives direction to the various committees, hears reports, makes proposals for budget and long-range planning.
The Coordinating Council of Elders (CCE) is comprised of the chairpersons or the representatives of the standing committees, the two lay representatives to Presbytery, the chairperson of the Board of Trustees as well as the Moderator and the Clerk of the Congregation. The Minister of Music is an ex-officio member. Members-at-large may be added as required.