
Chalmers’ Pastoral Care Update, Oct 2. 2022

This is an update on how pastoral care is being provided to members of our Congregation.  The members of the Pastoral Care Team are Mike Hartlin, Doreen Morrison, Isabel McLeod, Allen Fletcher, Marjorie Mason, Joan Egnatoff, Ruth Tracy, Mary Davis Little, Heather Faris, and Linda Steinberg.

We keep in touch with 48 members of our Congregation, mostly since the Pandemic began, by telephone. More recently, when possible, we’ve started to have some face to face visits again.

Printed Chalmers Bulletins and E-Blasts are delivered weekly to 15 members of our Congregation who don’t have access to email.

Linda, Heather and Mary, with the help of others, prepare and deliver cookie trays 5 times a year to over 50 members of Chalmers.

Isabel each Sunday, with the help of others, delivers bouquets of flowers made up from our Worship Service floral arrangements to members.

Since April, the Rev. Don Misener has been providing Pastoral Care support to members who were identified by members of the P.C.T as wishing to have visits. Members of the P.C.T. accompanied Don on his initial visits to provide introductions. He has now visited all of these individuals at least twice with further visits already lined up. He has also visited several members of Chalmers who self-identified as wishing pastoral support.

We are pleased to report that Don’s term with us has been extended for another 6 months starting on Nov. 1. We are very grateful to him for his continuing support.

Don and his wife Bonnie are visiting family in Oklahoma during October. If you or someone you know of is in need of emergency pastoral care support during October, please contact Al Fletcher or Carol in the Chalmers office.

The P.C.T. depends on everyone in our Congregation telling us about members of our Church Family who need or would appreciate supportive visits, from one of us or from Rev. Misener. If you know of someone, or you would appreciate visits yourself, please contact one of us.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Al Fletcher at or (613) 546-4785.


The Sacrament of Communion is rooted in the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples just before the crucifixion, other meals that Jesus shared with friends, and the feasts of the Jewish people. When early Christians gathered around the table, they were remembering Jesus and celebrating his ministry that continued to live in a new way among them.

At Chalmers, the Sacrament of Communion takes place on various Sundays throughout the year and at significant occasions like Christmas and Easter. An occasional mid-week service of communion is held for those unable to attend the regular service on Sunday. Home communion is available by contacting our Ministers of Pastoral Care.