Eagle and Dove
The Meeting of the Eagle and the Dove by Mervin Meekis, an artist from Sandy Lake Reserve who died in 2000, was presented to the 31st General Council 1986 during the consideration of the Apology to First Nations. Used with written permission from the United Church of Canada.

Joint Truth and Reconciliation Action Group

In 2016, Chalmers, Faith, and Sydenham St. United Churches and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church formed a Joint Truth and Reconciliation Action Group that seeks:

  1. To educate ourselves and others on the legacy of colonialist policies and practice on Canada’s first peoples, including hosting events;
  2. To listen, learn and share new knowledge about the priorities, opportunities and options for reconciliation of Canada’s many peoples;
  3. To participate in events and other activities on behalf of the group;
  4. To work with others to advance these goals;
  5. To share information on events being held within the broader community on indigenous culture and history, public policy and related themes.

The Group reports to the outreach and social justice committees within each congregation.


Lay representatives from Chalmers, Faith, and Sydenham Street United Churches and others who share an interest in and commitment to advancing reconciliation with Canada’s first peoples and changing the future are invited to participate. Meetings are normally held monthly. If you are interested in being a part of this movement towards reconciliation, please contact any of the current members: Bill Egnatoff, Bruce Elliott, or Rosemary MaLachlan.

Library and Resources

A collection of books gathered by the group is available for loan at Sydenham Street United Church. A list of the current collection of titles is available as a downloadable PDF. The group also maintains an informal list of resources
contributed by participants. To borrow resources or contribute items to this list or any other suggestions please contact JTRAG. If you would like to know more about the goals and activities of the JTRAG, please check out the JTRAG site on the Sydenham St. website.