In the fall of 2015, inspired by the ancient Biblical idea of Jubilee, Chalmers United Church entered a time of reflection, renewal and celebration. With the assistance and guidance of EDGE (the United Church Network for Ministry Development), we embarked on a journey of reflection and re-creation, to find a new way to be together and to move towards better stewardship of our gifts. The Jubilee season was a pause; a time of reflection on what has been; a time for collecting fresh ideas, assessing what we have to work with and gathering creative energy for the new era. It was a time to renew, rebuild and replenish our community life together and to relax old established routines and responsibilities. During the year we carried out a major survey, met as a congregation to reflect on what we heard back, established a number of 'Discovery Teams' to pursue some themes in greater depth, and periodically, gathered for food, fun and friendship. Click on the following documents to discover what we learned and where we might be headed: